
Guide for Reviewers


Introduction: Peer review is a cornerstone of maintaining the integrity of scientific records. At the International Journal of Community based Nursing and Midwifery (IJCBNM), manuscripts undergo rigorous internal evaluation by the editors before being subjected to external peer review.


Peer Review Type: IJCBNM employs a double-blind peer review process, ensuring anonymity between reviewers and authors.


Reviewer Roles and Responsibilities: Reviewers play a crucial role in helping IJCBNM ensure that submitted manuscripts are scientifically sound, properly researched, and compliant with ethical standards. They are also responsible for ensuring that the research aligns with the guidelines for the relevant study type. Constructive, honest, and respectful feedback is of the essence. While reviewer input is invaluable, the final decision regarding manuscript acceptance or rejection rests with the Editorial Office.

         Reviewers should focus on the following criteria in evaluating a manuscript:

  • Novelty
  • Originality
  • Scientific reliability
  • Valuable contribution to the field
  • Ethical aspects
  • Technical quality


Competing Interests: Reviewers must disclose any relationships or activities that could influence their assessment of a manuscript and withdraw from the peer-review process in the event of conflicting interests.


Timing:  Reviewers are expected to respond promptly to review requests and submit their evaluations within the agreed-upon timeframe.


Confidentiality: Reviewers are required to maintain strict confidentiality regarding manuscripts and their contents. Public discussion of authors' work or unauthorized use of their ideas prior to publication is prohibited. Additionally, manuscripts should not be retained for personal use and must be disposed of after review completion. Reviewers must not upload the manuscript to any software or AI technologies that may compromise confidentiality.


Reviewer Recommendations: Reviewers must conclude their comments by recommending one of the following decisions:

  • Accept
  • Minor revision
  • Major revision
  • Reject


Gender and Diversity in Peer Review: The IJCBNM is committed to enhancing the representation of women, people of color, and colleagues from low- and middle-income countries within our community of editorial advisers, peer reviewers, and authors. This commitment reflects our dedication to promoting diversity and inclusivity in the peer review process.


AI and AI-Assisted Technologies in Peer Review: Reviewers are strongly advised against using Artificial Intelligence (AI) or AI-assisted tools in the scientific review process. The critical thinking and independent judgment required for peer review surpass the capabilities of such technologies, which may be prone to producing incorrect, incomplete, or biased conclusions. Moreover, uploading a manuscript or any part of it to an AI tool could compromise its confidentiality, violating the authors' proprietary rights and potentially breaching privacy regulations, especially when personal data is involved. Reviewers must maintain strict confidentiality regarding both the manuscripts and their reviews, as they may contain sensitive information. Ultimately, reviewers bear full responsibility for the originality, accuracy, and integrity of their comments.

